
Space Man

劇情片 Drama

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Theme Concept

「男子見女子在洗澡,她的「法術衣服」放在岸上,他盜竊了衣服,她墮入他的權力中」   遠古人類對鳥類的崇拜衍生出「羽衣仙女」(又稱天鵝處女)的神話原型,而神話貫穿時代,蟄伏在我們的欲望與悲喜中時刻等待召喚。本片以失去羽衣的天女為藍圖、台灣東部的邊緣地帶為舞台,描述兩個與各自群體格格不入的孤寂心靈,在荒原中交會、共織的魔幻冒險。   水泥剷平的山頭、電塔錯落的河谷、奢華的度假Villa聳立於田野之中,斷流河床的灰色沙洲如荒蕪月面。太空人行於其上,找尋著羽毛和自由、繁星與意義。

“The man saw the woman taking a bath, with her magical clothes placed on the shore. He stole the clothes while she sank into his power.” The worship of birds by ancient people came from the tale of the swan maiden. While the tale goes through the tunnel of times, it sleeps under our desire and emotion, waiting to be summoned. This film takes the maiden who lost her feather as a blueprint, takes the border of eastern Taiwan as a stage while describing two lost souls connecting with each other and having a magical journey. From the mountain peaks turned into cement walls, to the signal towers in the riverbanks and the luxurious villas in the field, the gray sandbank now feels like the surface of the moon. The astronaut wandered on this barren land, trying to find the freedom of the feathers and the meaning of the stars.




Story Synopsis

家境優渥的女孩「踢踢」總是壓抑著渴望自由的本性,順從母親的要求,只能在IG小號中宣洩真心。她在高中畢業後的夏末與同學來到台灣東部的小鎮旅遊,住在孤立於田野中的豪華Villa。踢踢與同學相處並不融洽,她參加旅行只是為害怕孤獨。   踢踢在周邊的小鎮遇見了當地青年「青仔」,他做批發送貨生意,只相信直覺與現在,不在意未來。青仔與他的的朋友們不受道德節制,過著狂野而放縱的生活。這種帶有危險意味的自由吸引著踢踢,她被刺激所吸引,試圖融入青仔的圈子, 她在與青仔等人的相處中第一次體驗到不受他人節制,主宰自我的、活著的感覺。   但青仔想的卻完全是另一回事。 

TT, a girl who comes from a wealthy family, always represses her instinct of pursuing freedom while obeying her mother. She can only express her upset on her Instagram account. At the end of the summer when she graduated from high school, she went on a trip to a small town in eastern Taiwan as they lived in a luxurious villa stand alone in the field. TT isn’t getting along with her classmates. In fact, she only comes here because she’s afraid of loneliness. TT meets a young man at a small town called tshenn-á, who’s making a living by selling wholesale. He only relies on his instincts and focuses on the present, not bothered by the future. tshenn-á and his friends are not restricted by their morals and live a wild life. TT is intrigued by this type of dangerous lifestyle and freedom. She tries to bond with these people. For the first time, she experiences the feeling of being alive and living at her own will. However, tshenn-á has a different plan in mind.

Production Summary

本片預計以宜蘭郊區為主場景,輻射至周邊地帶,三星、壯圍、南方澳至與台東縣的交接地。這裡的開發程度參差不齊,觀光區、漁港、農業小鎮與水泥礦場和火力發電廠的工業區交織,是現代與原始的邊緣地帶,這也是本片的主題之一。來自兩個不同環境、構成與價值觀的男女主角於此相遇,雙方的道德觀念碰撞,對抗與融合,從而產生新的意義。   影像上是以群系為主的場面調度和流動,角色與團體之間的試圖融入與隔閡,人與環境、自然原始與現代化的衝突與吞噬,希望賦予每個場景視覺上和文學上的意義。攝影機跟隨角色於芒草叢、廢棄村鎮和破裂的柏油路中探索,在開闊的河床、堤岸與海洋前認清自己的位置。聚落的霓虹、夜間的路燈和連結鎮與鎮之間的橋樑燈光點綴,如燈塔如星圖,給予迷失方向的主角引導,鏡頭彼端可能是通往天界的返航,亦可能無人踏足過的未知星球。   聲音、美術和服裝方面均會依據場景做出不協調的衝突感,迷路在偏遠郊區的遊客、吊在貨車頂部的藍芽音響,城市與偏鄉不同的審美差異導致的潮流視差。不同區域文化圈對彼此的不理解、鄙視藉由這些方面堆砌,由聲音、美術和服裝做出先於台詞的表現。   不論是城市或鄉下、現代或原始,只要不是「本地人」那麼一切都是陌生與神秘。本片希望藉由各個部門的合作完善此一概念,每個場景都是新世界,每個角色與角色之間都是無法理解的外星人。

This film plans to set the suburbs of Yilan as main stage, accompanied with surrounding areas from Sanxing, Zhuangwei, southern Su’ao to the border near Taitung. The development of these areas are unbalanced, mixed with tourist attractions, fishing harbors, agriculture towns, cement mines and fire-generated power plants, representing a border between modern and ancient times which is also the topic of this film. Two main characters growing up in different environments and having opposite sense of value came across for the first time. The clash and mixture of moral beliefs and the birth of new meanings all take place at this beautiful suburb. We focus on the image of substitution and flow, such as the characters trying to blend in with others and the barriers between groups, the clash and feud between modernization and ancient culture, hoping to bring visual and literary value and meanings to every part of the stages. The camera follows the characters through the bushes, abandoned town and the ruined asphalt roads, realizing their own location in front of the wide riverbanks, shores and the ocean. The neon light of the town, the street lights at night and the light of the bridge connecting town to town are like a lighthouse or a star map, guiding those who lost their ways. The other side of the camera could either be the way back home or the path to an unknown planet no one has ever been to before. As for music, art and clothing design, we aim to bring out the sense of unbalanced conflict. Such as the lost tourist at the remote suburbs, the Bluetooth speakers on top of the old truck. The different sense of value and taste between cities and suburbs emphasize the visual gap. The misunderstanding, discrimination between two different cultures would be brought out and built on by the design of music, art and clothing, even before the lines of the characters. Whether it’s city or suburbs, modern or ancient, it would make you feel mysterious and distant if you’re not a local. This film aims to visualize this concept with the cooperation of each department. Every scene is a new world and every character is like an alien to each other.

Photos and Highlights