楊馥|Fu Yang


Director / Animator

Joined Giloo on 2025.01.02





Published March 3, 2013. By Daniel Walber

"Judgement was made in the wake of the 1995 Sampoong Department Store collapse, the largest peacetime disaster in South Korean history. Due to gross negligence and major structural flaws, the building fell in on itself, killing 502 people. The ensuing legal settlement involved over 3,000 cases, and according to the radio clip at the beginning of the short, the payout to the families of victims was $200,000 each."

(這項判決是在 1995 年三豐百貨大樓倒塌事件之後做出的,這是韓國歷史上和平時期最大的災難。由於嚴重疏忽和重大結構缺陷,該建築自毀,造成 502 人死亡。隨後的法律和解涉及 3,000 多個案件,根據短片開頭的廣播剪輯,向受害者家屬每人支付 20 萬美元。)

"With characteristically bleak spirit, Park set Judgement entirely in a morgue. There’s one last victim of the tragedy who has yet to be claimed, a young woman whose identity had been obscured by the physical damage of the collapse. The government believes they have finally found her parents, a middle-aged couple whose daughter ran away from home years before. Yet as the body is being moved, a morgue employee suddenly claims that the corpse is that of his daughter, who had also disappeared. With 200 grand in compensation money hovering over the proceedings, drama ensues."

(帶著特有的憂鬱精神,朴贊郁將《審判》完全放在了停屍間。這場悲劇的最後一名受害者尚未被認領,她是一名年輕女子,她的身份因倒塌造成的身體損壞而被掩蓋。政府相信他們終於找到了她的父母,這是一對中年夫婦,他們的女兒多年前離家出走。然而,就在屍體被轉移的過程中,太平間的一名工作人員突然聲稱,屍體是他女兒的屍體,而她的女兒也失蹤了。隨著 200 英鎊的賠償金懸而未決,戲劇性的事情隨之而來。)
