
I could only pray

紀錄片 Documentary

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Theme Concept

和我一起在教會長大的朋友信辰,在成長中遭受到命運一而再再而三的打擊。 我曾經問信辰,你覺得上帝為什麼要讓你經歷這一些?他告訴我,其實他不知道——我以為我知道,只要他回到教會,一切都會好起來。然而看著他一路的衝撞與努力,被關、被騙錢,到最後選擇放棄上帝、信仰撒旦,我發現我並不知道。對於神的愛的堅信,讓我產生了非常多痛苦,我始終難以釋懷,對於信辰的經歷感到不甘,也對這個過程中的一切努力感到不甘。 「信辰,你覺得太陽是公平的嗎?」

Xin-chen, who grew up with me in church, received blows time after time during his youth. I once asked him: why do you think that God allowed you all these experiences? He answered he did not know. I thought I knew–once he returns to church, everything will be fine. Yet as I witnessed all his struggles and strife, his imprisonment, his money scammed, till he gave up his faith in God and turned to Satan, I found I did not know. Due to my firm belief in God, I felt so much pain–I was unable to get it over, indignant about his setbacks, and unresigned to accept the outcome of the whole process. “Xin-chen, is the sun fair to everyone?”




Story Synopsis

從小和德高一起在教會長大的好友信辰,出獄後立志成為拳王,白天在工地上班,晚上還去拳館練拳。德高看著他的努力,卻因為工作遇人不淑而拿不到薪水,欠錢欠到住處被斷電,於此同時過去的官司還捲土重來,讓他面臨著可能再度入獄的難關。 看著絕望的信辰,德高決定帶他重回教會,希望他的人生能夠得到救贖,然而信辰卻選擇和魔鬼立下血約,為要交換今生的尊嚴,德高眼睜睜地看著自己的好友出賣靈魂,不明白上帝為什麼讓這一切發生,只能一次又一次地聽著信辰的痛苦,然後告訴信辰「可不可以讓我再為你禱告一次?」

Xin-chen, who grew up with Gao in church, aspired to become a boxing champion after his imprisonment. He worked in construction sites during the day, and practiced boxing in a martial club. However, he was not paid in his daytime job, which led to the cutoff of power in his abode. In the meantime, the lawsuit started over again, which led to the possibility of going back to prison. Gao saw the desperation in Xin-chen, and tried to bring him back to church, hoping he would get redemption. Nevertheless, Xin-chen pledged a blood oath with Satan in return for dignity in this world. Gao, witnessing his friend selling his soul, did not understand why God allows all this to happen. The only thing he could do is to listen to Xin-chen’s complaint of his pain, and then asked Xin-chen “Could I pray for you one more time?”

Production Summary

我和信辰因為國中中輟,在基督教的安置機構認識。 畢業後我讀了高中、大學,而信辰因為家庭因素必須賺錢,從臨時工一路到討債、擄人,逐漸步入不法的工作。 第一次拍攝在他入獄前,我們久別重逢,我帶他去教會。 第二次拍攝是聽到信辰尋死的念頭,我告訴他不要放棄。出獄後的他對未來充滿絕望,為了振作自己信辰決定上場比賽拳擊,然而過去的官司卻回來糾纏,看著他擺盪在希望與絕望之間,掙扎著想要得到自由,我們卻因為錢而吵了一架。 第三次拍攝,我決定去他家和他一起打掃。我看見房間的牆壁破了三個大洞,衣物凌亂四散,他說他已經放棄拳擊,牙套盒裡面乾掉的血跡,是他和撒旦立約的時候放的血。我感覺到生命深層的憤怒與痛苦,他說如果能夠遇見上帝,他只想告訴祂「祢磨練人也要有個限度吧。」 我打電話給小時候在中輟機構照顧我們的老師,無助地掉眼淚。 我本來以為這會是一個上帝的愛改變信辰的故事,然而那似乎是我以為的上帝,在回看這些素材的過程中,我理解到我們確實都改變了。 影片目前正在進行剪輯的長跑,透過剪輯師客觀的角度,持續討論、結構,整理這段青春歲月;同時記錄著每一次和信辰的通話。

As both dropouts from junior high, I met Xin-chen in a Christian placement school. After graduation I studied in senior high and college, but Xin-chen had to work due to his disadvantaged family background. He started from temporary worker to debt collector and kidnapper, moving to illegal areas. The first shooting: I bumped into him after a long while. We went to church together before his imprisonment. The 2nd shooting: After hearing his idea of suicide, I persuaded him not to give up. Out of prison, he was full of despair. Though he tried to boost himself and participated in a boxing tournament, the lawsuits came back to haunt him, making him swing between hope and despair, longing for freedom. It ended with an argument about money. The 3rd shooting: I went to his home cleaning along with him. I saw the wall in his room with three big holes, and his clothes scattered around. He said he had given up boxing. The dried blood mark in the case holding his boxing braces were the blood he let out for the blood oath with Satan. I felt a deep anger and agony in his life. And he said if he could meet God, he would tell Him that “It should be a limit to how you tried people.” Later on I called one of the teachers in charge of us back in the school, and I could only cry hopelessly. Originally I thought it would be a story about how God’s love changed Xin-chen, yet that seemed to be the God I believed. Now as I reviewed these raw materials, I understood that we were indeed changed. This film is now undergoing editing. Through the objective perspective of the editor, we will continue discussion, restructuring, to sort something out of this period of time. I also continue recording every call I had with Xin-chen.

Photos and Highlights