
Wild Road

紀錄片 Documentary

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Theme Concept

座落在台東池上的野灣,是台灣東部第一間野生動物醫院,也是極少數完全由民間發起的野生動物救傷中心。這一群人,因為對動物的熱愛聚集起來,希望拯救更多野生動物,但,一切真能如此順利嗎? 遭遇車禍的山羌、失親的小山羊、截肢後等待野放的穿山甲、無家可歸的小雨燕,一段段故事在這裡上演。在這裡,有拯救生命的喜悅,也有死亡無處不在的悲傷籠罩。 我們,真的能找到和野生動物的共存之路嗎?

In Chishang, Eastern Taiwan, lies the WildOne Wildlife Rescue Center—the region's very first wildlife hospital. This privately-founded sanctuary serves as a refuge for injured wildlife, fueled by the unwavering passion of a compassionate team. Together, they embark on a relentless mission to rescue and rehabilitate a growing number of animals. Yet, their path is not without challenges. Intertwining narratives unfold—a Formosan Reeves's muntjac struck by a car, orphaned goats in search of help, pangolins recovering from amputations, and homeless House swifts yearning for a place to call home. Within these poignant stories lie tales of triumphant rescues and heart-wrenching losses. Can we truly discover a way to live in harmony with wild animals?


Story Synopsis

在台灣東部,有一間野生動物醫院「野灣」,這裡有一群熱血青年,以拯救野生動物為己任,每天從早忙到晚,小至清潔籠舍、準備食物,大至手術治療、野放追蹤,都是他們職責所在。 影片中,他們將面對野放後的穿山甲再度被狗咬死的悲傷,面對兩百多隻小雨燕同時送來的極度忙碌,面對野放截肢穿山甲的期待與擔憂,面對不同原因進到醫院裡的動物們,有時笑著揮別,有時黯然道別。 這是他們雞飛狗跳的日常,也是他們面對無常生死的每一天。

Located in Eastern Taiwan, the WildOne Wildlife Rescue Center serves as a vital haven for injured animals. A devoted team has made it their mission to rescue and care for these wild creatures. Their tireless efforts begin from the crack of dawn and extend well into the night, as they meticulously clean cages, prepare nourishing meals, perform crucial surgeries, and even track the released animals. In this documentary, they will face the sorrow of seeing released pangolins being bitten to death by dogs once again, the extreme busyness brought about by the arrival of over two hundred baby swiftlets, the expectations and worries surrounding the release of amputated pangolins, and the various animals coming into the hospital for different reasons. At times, they bid farewell to the animals with smiles, while at other times, they say goodbye with a heavy heart. This is their busy daily life, where they face the uncertainty of life and death every single day.

Production Summary

一大早,保育員們開始切菜、準備食物、清理籠舍、餵食等,這是他們的日常生活,也是野灣每一天的風景。每個月,都有動物因為受傷來到野灣,有些是被犬貓攻擊、有些被車撞到、有些誤中陷阱、有些則是人為不當飼養。來到這裡的動物們,有些手術成功,進到籠內休養,有些則是傷重難癒,只好安樂死。 2022年三月,穿山甲「流川風」在野放後再度被遊蕩犬攻擊而死,這對獸醫師阿毛來說是很大的打擊。 2022年四月,中了獸鋏的穿山甲「緯寶妹」來到野灣,牠的傷口已壞死,必須截肢。六月,復原良好的「緯寶妹」準備野放了,這次,阿毛特地找了個人與野狗都罕至的山區野放,只希望「緯寶妹」能在野外順利活下來。 九月底,「緯寶妹」野放後再捕捉,牠微胖的身軀顯示牠在野外過得很好,甚至肚子裡還孕育著小寶寶。這是一個天大的好消息,到目前為止,牠已經是台灣有紀錄以來,野放後在野外存活最久的穿山甲了,牠能不能繼續安穩地在山林裡孕育後代?這是野灣團隊最期待也最擔憂的事。 2022年六月中,因為台東體育館工程,兩百多隻初生的小雨燕被送到野灣,開啟一段漫長的野放之路,而這些脆弱的生命,在過程中大量死亡,最終只有一半左右成功回到野外。 死亡始終如影隨行,並不是所有醫療都有成效,也不是所有生命都能得到重生。這對獸醫師來說,是很大的挫折與無力感。 生死日常在野灣不斷上演著,這裡有野放成功的喜悅大笑,也有面對死亡的悲傷與遺憾,但野灣團隊們不斷往前,不敢停下腳步,因為還有好多生命等著救援,還有好長好長的路要走。

Early in the morning, the animal keepers begin their routine of chopping vegetables, preparing food, cleaning cages, and feeding the animals. This is their daily life, and it is the scenery of WildOne Wildlife Rescue Center every day. Every month, animals arrive at WildOne due to injuries. Some have been attacked by stray dogs or cats, others have been hit by cars, some have fallen into traps, and some have been subjected to improper human care. Upon arrival, some animals undergo successful surgeries and are placed in cages for recovery, while others have severe injuries that cannot be healed, and euthanasia becomes the only option. In March 2022, the pangolin ""Liu Chuan Feng,"" who had been released into the wild, was once again attacked and killed by stray dogs. This was a significant blow for veterinarian Amao. In April 2022, the pangolin ""Wei Bao Mei,"" who had been caught in a snare, arrived at WildOne. The wound had already become necrotic, and amputation was necessary. By June, ""Wei Bao Mei"" had recovered well and was ready for release. This time, Amao specifically chose a remote mountainous area for the release, where both humans and stray dogs rarely ventured. The hope was that ""Wei Bao Mei"" could successfully survive in the wild. By the end of September, ""Wei Bao Mei"" was recaptured after being released into the wild. Her slightly chubby body indicated that she had been thriving in the wild, and she was even carrying a baby in her belly. This was fantastic news. Thus far, she has become the pangolin with the longest-recorded survival in the wild after being released in Taiwan. The question now is whether she can continue to safely nurture her offspring in the mountains. This is both the most anticipated and worrisome concern for the WildOne team. In mid-June 2022, due to the construction of the Taitung County Stadium, over two hundred newly hatched baby House swifts were brought to WildOne, marking the beginning of a long journey of reture to the wild. Unfortunately, during this process, many of these fragile lives perished, and only about half of them successfully returned to the wild. Death accompanies, and not all medical interventions are effective, nor can every life experience rebirth. For veterinarians, it brings immense frustration and a sense of powerlessness. Life and death play out as a daily occurrence at WildOne. There are joyful laughter over successful releases, as well as the sadness and regrets of facing death. However, the WildOne team keeps moving forward, never daring to pause their steps, because there are still many lives waiting to be rescued, and there is a long, long road ahead.

Photos and Highlights