
faloco' – Go! Baseball

紀錄片 Documentary

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Theme Concept

faloco’,是阿美語「心」的意思。原住民在台灣人口僅佔不到3%,卻有近半數的職棒球員為原住民。但現實是平均職涯不到五年,球員汰換率高,能成為明星球員的屈指可數。還有更多原住民,曾用盡全力追尋棒球夢,卻一無所獲。但為什麼一個又一個世代,持續把夢想投注在棒球運動上? 本片預計從「原住民打職棒」的現象出發,觀眾將看到兩個不同世代的棒球員,對棒球夢的解讀,以及在棒球運動上的獲得。在這段跨越時空,追尋棒球夢方向的旅程,也追尋原住民在主流運動職棒裡自我價值的實踐。

"faloco'," means "heart" in Amis language. Indigenous people make up less than 3% of Taiwan's population, yet nearly half of the professional baseball players are indigenous. However, the reality is that the average career lasts less than five years, and the player turnover rate is high. Only a few can become star players. Many more indigenous people have dedicated their all to pursuing their baseball dreams, only to come up empty-handed. But why do generation after generation continue to invest their dreams in baseball? This film aims to explore the phenomenon of "indigenous people playing professional baseball." Audiences will witness the interpretations of the baseball dream by two different generations of players and their achievements in the sport. Throughout this journey that transcends time and space, we will also seek to uncover the indigenous people's self-worth within the mainstream professional sports, as they pursue their dreams in baseball.








Story Synopsis

12歲的曾祈嘉是東部國小少棒隊主力選手,他是阿美族。他的夢想是進入職棒,最欣賞林智勝的打擊。他也希望藉由職棒薪水改善家中經濟,但媽媽希望他能兼顧課業,這讓他在棒球與課業間感到壓力。 這個夏天,曾祈嘉首度當選少棒國手,參與更高強度的比賽。同時他也升上六年級,在球隊中扮演更重要的角色。這些磨練會不會影響他追逐職棒夢想的信心? 41歲的林智勝也是阿美族,從小離開部落到外地追逐棒球夢想。他克服受傷、轉隊減少上場機會等難關,在職棒征戰20年,棒球成為他人生的全部,也是唯一的選擇。在他成為台灣首位三百轟打者後,他的棒球員生涯來到尾聲。他要如何延續這份對棒球的夢想? 相差近三十歲的曾祈嘉與林智勝,都站在棒球夢的抉擇點上。

Twelve-year-old Karo(Zeng Qi Jia), is a key player for the Eastern Elementary School Little League team. He is of Amis ethnicity. His dream is to become a professional baseball player and he admires Ngayaw(Lin Chih Sheng)'s batting skills. He also hopes that by playing professional baseball, he can improve his family's financial situation. However, his mother wants him to balance his academics as well, which puts pressure on him to juggle between baseball and schoolwork. This summer, Karo was selected for the first time to represent the national team in the Little League, participating in higher-intensity competitions. At the same time, he has advanced to the sixth grade and plays a more significant role in the team. Will these challenges affect his confidence in pursuing his dream of playing professional baseball? At the age of 41, Ngayaw, also of Amis ethnicity, left his tribe at a young age to pursue his baseball dreams elsewhere. He overcame injuries, limited playing opportunities due to team transfers, and other obstacles. After a 20-year career in professional baseball, the sport became his life and his only choice. After becoming Taiwan's first player to hit 300 home runs, his baseball career is approaching its end. How will he continue to pursue his dream of baseball? With nearly a thirty-year age difference, Karo and Ngayaw both stand at the crossroads of their baseball dreams.

Production Summary

棒球夢的起點 1. 曾祈嘉與林智勝,各自在球場練球,準備比賽。他們都是來自東部的原住民,部落都同樣對棒球充滿狂熱、有著家人支持,參加校隊的訓練。 2. 曾祈嘉放學後才匆匆來到球場練球。林智勝在練球的空檔時間翻書,感嘆以前學生時光被棒球塞滿,很少時間能進教室上課。 棒球夢的挑戰 3. 曾祈嘉的球隊首度打進全國少棒冠軍賽。他卻在最後半局發生關鍵守備失誤,讓球隊與冠軍擦身而過,他淚流不止,甚至忽略教練的擊掌。 4. 林智勝挑戰職棒首位三百轟紀錄過程中,被三振下場,下場後他與隊友分享剛剛被三振的球路。也不忘鼓勵其他隊友的表現。 5. 曾祈嘉升上六年級之前,最重要的比賽是國手選拔。球隊奪得冠軍,他也首度獲選國手。他在開心之餘,也要面對漫長的集訓,以及迎接更高強度的賽事。 6. 林智勝賽前練習,分享要經過治療,克服身體傷痛才能面對漫長的比賽。他又如何克服受傷、轉隊遇到的風波,因此很珍惜挑戰三百轟紀錄的機會。 7. 升上六年級後,曾祈嘉花了更多時間完成學校作業。曾祈嘉的媽媽希望他能夠兼顧課業的學習,而不是只會打棒球。課業為他帶來壓力。 8. 林智勝完成三百轟的目標,接受隊友與球迷的祝福。他珍惜能持續打棒球的機會,卻也發現自己唯一擅長的只有打棒球。 棒球夢的抉擇點 9. 年底,林智勝來到30屆關懷盃賽事現場,與參賽的小朋友互動,與曾祈嘉合照。他看著小朋友比賽,回想以前打棒球的初衷,而今他將卸下棒球員身分,棒球夢想來到終點,他下一步的選擇會是什麼。 10. 六年級的曾祈嘉,在球隊學習如何帶領學弟,他能不能完成帶領學弟拿到冠軍的目標。對職棒的夢想是否因此有所轉變。

The Beginning of the Baseball Dream 1. Karo and Ngayaw, each practicing on the baseball field, preparing for their games. They both come from indigenous backgrounds in the eastern region, with their tribes equally passionate about baseball and having the support of their families while participating in school team training. 2. Karo hurriedly arrives at the baseball field after school. During breaks in training, Ngayaw flips through books, lamenting how his student life was filled with baseball, leaving little time for classroom learning. The Challenges of the Baseball Dream 3. Karo's team reached the national Little League championship for the first time. However, in the last half-inning, he makes a crucial defensive mistake that causes the team to miss the championship. Tears flow incessantly, and he even ignores the coach's high-five. 4. During Ngayaw's pursuit of breaking the record for the first 300 home runs in professional baseball, he strikes out and walks back to the dugout. Afterward, he shares the pitch sequence of his recent strikeout with his teammates and encourages their performance. 5. Before advancing to the sixth grade, the most important competition for Karo is the national team selection. The team wins the championship, and he is selected for the national team for the first time. Along with the joy, he must face extensive training and higher-intensity matches. 6. Before the game, Ngayaw practices and shares the need for treatment to overcome physical injuries and pain to face the long matches. How does he overcome injuries and the challenges encountered during team transfers? This is why he cherishes the opportunity to break the record for 300 home runs. 7. After advancing to the sixth grade, Karo spends more time completing school assignments. Karo's mother hopes he can balance his academic studies rather than solely focusing on playing baseball. Academic pressures add to his stress. 8. Ngayaw achieves his goal of hitting 300 home runs and accepts well-wishes from teammates and fans. He values the opportunity to continue playing baseball but realizes that his only expertise lies in playing baseball. The Crossroads of the Baseball Dream 9. At the end of the year,Ngayaw attends the 30th Care Cup event, interacting with participating children and taking a photo with Karo. As he watches the kids play, he reflects on his initial intentions for playing baseball. Now, as he prepares to retire from his role as a baseball player and his baseball dream reaches its endpoint, what will be his next choice? 10. As a sixth-grader, Karo learns how to lead his younger teammates in the team, aiming to achieve the goal of winning the championship. Will this experience change his aspirations for a professional baseball career?

Photos and Highlights