
Da Ra Song

紀錄片 Documentary

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累積贊助 Sponsorship amount:NTD 22500

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Theme Concept


In the current trend of revitalizing aboriginal culture, Darasong is one of the young artists who returning to his hometown. The film observes from the traditional slate house that he builds to the aborigines' environment which surrounds by. To see the contradiction between following the traditional spirit and the law system of nowadays, the balance between tourism development and tribe ecology with the life value and spirit of the Rukai tribe. Digging deep inside Darasong’s inner dilemma—Family (the grand family and Rukai group) duty mission and chains behind “Culture continuing.” In this documentary, the director tries to explore the meaning of illegal building, the conflict between the tradition and current law system, the slate culture discontinuity, the patrilineal system, belonging to home and old tradition in the new modern era.




Freelancer / Cinematographer.


Story Synopsis

「以往,孩子在部落成長,被修飾成獨一無二的石板,各自待在合適的位置,形成一座聚落。現在孩子紛紛離開部落,在部落外的社會被磨成紅磚。」紅磚想再回到部落裝成石板、守護文化--德日尚夢見自己蓋了一座畸形石板屋。 魯凱青年德日尚,在自家空地堆滿一地石頭準備蓋石板屋,目前沒有任何建築法規可以說它合法。部落老人聽了讚賞、同輩青年們敬畏而遠之、公部門請他依法行政、周邊泡溫泉的觀光客們見到只問:「能不能送一塊石頭讓我帶回家?」。這座傳統家屋完成後,還能單純只是德日尚的家屋嗎?

"In the past, children who grew up in the tribe were formed into unique stone slabs, each staying in a suitable position in the tribe settlement. Now the children leave the tribe and are grounded into red bricks by the society outside the tribe." Now red brick wants to go back Tribes pretend to be slate to protect culture - Darasong dreamed that he built a deformed slate house. Darasong, a young man from Rukai, piled up stones in his own space to build a slate house. Currently there is no any building regulations to say it is legal. The tribe elders admired him, but the same generation youths stayed away from it. The government department asked him to follow the law. The tourists who visited the hot springs in the surrounding area only asked, "May I have a stone to take home?". After the accomplishment of this traditional house, could it still be Darasong’s home?

Production Summary

臺東縣金峰鄉歷坵村,又稱魯拉克斯部落,一個排灣與魯凱族共居的部落,魯凱族卻只有少數七戶,他們是民國47年從屏東縣霧台鄉阿禮部落陸續遷移至此。住在這裡的魯凱人沒有石板屋,而這個故事始於德日尚(37歲)對傳統家屋的嚮往。 踩踏大地的聲音 Da La Da La 作響,德日尚擁有銳利的目光,在山林裡穿梭追蹤。「Darasong」是形容大型動物踩踏木頭或石頭的聲音;大家聽到這個名字,便知那有份量的、能有一番作為的人來了,可德日尚的腳步聲,彷彿承載過多包袱,有些沈重而孤獨。他也曾離開部落,努力符合主流社會,作為一塊紅磚;受到家人呼喚而回家的他,為了證明那股力量,開始蓋「傳統的家屋,現代的違建」。 伴隨石塊敲擊、炊煙連結祖靈,德日尚不斷和石頭對話、和家屋一起成長。曾經是紅磚的他,能不能在部落實踐他理想的傳統?這座法外建築,又會不會在蓋完之後,面臨違法存在的危機?在普世紅磚與殘破石板之間擺盪,有多少人背負有意義的姓名離開,又有多少人回來了卻得不到認同與歸屬? 「老人家總說,要蓋完一座房子,才能成為一個真正的人」,周邊各家溫泉業者製造的霧氣繚繞,德日尚則在施工地一隅點燃木材,「有炊煙代表有人在,也代表這是個『家』」德日尚說道,這裡的煙日日不能中斷,就算不曉得家屋何時才能蓋完......

Liqiu Village, Jinfeng Township, Taitung County, also known as the Rulakes Tribe. It’s a tribe that lived both the Rukai and Paiwan, but the Rukai had only seven households. They came from The Ali tribe Wutai Township, Pingtung County in AD1958. The Rukai people who live here don’t have their own traditional slate houses, and this story begins with Darasong‘s (37y) yearning for traditional houses. The sound of trampling on the ground sounds “Da La Da La.” Darasong has sharp eyes, and he tracks back and forth in the mountains and forests. "Darasong '' refers to the sound of large animals stepping on woods or stones; when everyone hears this name, they know that someone who is strong and can do something has come.But Darasong's footsteps seem carry too much burden which is heavy and lonely. He left the tribe once, trying to conform to the mainstream society standards as a red brick; calling by his family, to proof the spirit, he began to build "traditional houses, modern illegal buildings." By the beating of stones and the smoke to connect the ancestors, Darasong continued to talk to the stones and grow together with the house. Once a red brick, can he carry out his ideal tradition in the current tribe? Will this extrajudicial building face a crisis of illegal existence after finishing? Between the general red bricks and broken slates, how many people left with meaningful names, and how many people came back couldn’t got any recognition and belonging? "Tribe elders always say that you have to build a house, then you will become a real person." The mist created by the surrounding hot springs was lingering, and Darasong lit woods in the corner of the construction site. "The smoke means that there are people there, and it also means that this is a 'home'." Darasong said. The smoke here cannot be interrupted day by day, even if you don't know when the house will be built...

Photos and Highlights