Swim, in the sea of Victoria

2019・Hong Kong・15 minutes

Hong Kong's emerging director, drawing from personal experience, explores the collective subconscious and imagery language of Hong Kong people, composing a unique imagery poem belonging to Hong Kong. Through experimental poetic visuals, a collective dream unfolds, drifting over Victoria Harbour.

The work has been showcased at FLAME Hong Kong Video Art Fair (2019) and "Right Here, Left Now, Out There" Micro Narrative (2019); it was also selected for the "Video Manifesto" project initiated by Dr. Linda Lai, and later collected by the Hong Kong art organization Videotage.

“The poet's conviction that he is creating in absolute freedom would then be an illusion: he fancies he is swimming, but in reality an unseen current sweeps him along.” Carl Jung: Psychology and Literature, 1994

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老師,這部片子啟發我很多,期許你的好片能夠進軍串流平台! by 沁朋