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Formosa Homicide Chronicle II

2001・台灣・58 minutes

3 people have suggested for upload
In 1997, a Tainan woman was kidnapped and raped. Lu Zheng was taken to the police station for questioning in the name of "assisting in handling the case." Thirty-six hours later, he was forced to sign a criminal confession, which became the only evidence to solve the case. Even though the hair, blood type, and fingerprints collected at the crime scene were not his, Lu Zheng was still sentenced to death by the court. Immediately ended his young life with three bullets. However, the investigation process is full of absurd doubts, flaws in the judicial system, and even psychic mediums are involved in the case... There is almost no evidence that Lu Zheng is the murderer. When the truth is not revealed, is Taiwan's law that ignores human rights implemented? Justice?

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