Suede: The Insatiable Ones

2018・United Kingdom・118 minutes

As famous as Oasis, Blur, and Pulp, it reveals the creative behind-the-scenes secrets behind Suede's many golden singles and best-selling albums, one of the four most famous British rock bands. Every song and every lyric is like a story, recording the emotional state of the members and the situation the band faces, depicting their journey from being a lost youth in pursuit of their own identity to facing the glory and pressure of rapid fame. Although they faced discord and disbandment, they are now able to reunite and make a miraculous comeback. The ample "exclusive memories" lead the audience and music fans to have a glimpse of the ups and downs of Suede's music career, and witness their rebirth from the ashes to create rock classics for generations!

Trailers & Clips

Awards & Festivals

CPH:DOX 哥本哈根國際紀錄片影展



Cast & Crew

