Max Richter’s Sleep

2019・United Kingdom・100 minutes

"Welcome to "Lullaby", 8 hours of lullaby!" Max Richter, who is famous in Hollywood for his soundtrack works such as "Interstellar" and "Alien", believes that when we are asleep, we are not absent, but in another state of perception. If you can enter that liminal time of being half asleep and half awake, you can listen in a completely different way. This film explains how Richter materialized this concept and created the eight-hour "Lullaby" to explore the auditory consciousness of human beings during sleep and challenge the limits of the music world and the audience. The noise of life and music are integrated. There are no rules here. You can listen to and sleep as you want. Enjoy the ride and have a good sleep.

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CPH:DOX 哥本哈根國際紀錄片影展

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