中二這個階段,兒童的心理和生理逐漸轉向成人,如同在蛹之中,既有價值結構將會全面瓦解,然後轉化成完全不同的形態,然而有的人直至成年、中年、甚至老年,還是轉換不過去,被稱作中二延續。 In the pre-teen and teenage years, children go through physical and psychological changes, gradually transitioning to adults. The transformation process is like a chrysalis - the existing inner structure would disintegrate and be transformed into an entirely different form. However, some are unable to make the transition smoothly until they reach adulthood, middle age, or even seniorhood. That is called the continuation of Chuunibyou.
Joined Giloo on 2019.12.03